Sticky Collages | A Little Art idea for Little People

Ah the joys of simple things! I was really pleased with how this little activity turned out. Miss 16 Months wasn't too fussed when I first set it up, but by day two and three she was really interested in sticking the little pieces of paper on to the contact. It's a nice activity you can leave set and up and let your little one continue going back to.

All you need to do is attach some contact to a glass window or door, sticky side facing out and give your little person lots of interesting cut up pieces of paper. Try to use a variety paper textures (a lot of mine was wrapping paper and see through cellophane). It's a great opportunity to talk about shapes, colours and animals names and noises. So cute to see her puzzlement when trying to stick pieces onto the glass!

I'm keen to try this same idea in my classroom to make raindrops for our weather window display! (This great blog is where I got the idea from). It's a nice quick and easy way to create a collage instead of using glue.

Try this one with your little person! Let me know if you give it a go.

Lauren :)

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