{Guest Post} Small World Play 101 - Benefits & Implementation

Today I'm so pleased to welcome Krystal, a former teacher, now a mum of three and owner of Sweet Elephants (*affiliate link). She has some unique, beautiful and educational products for kids and babies on offer - and has compiled some brilliant small world play ideas to share today.

Welcome Krystal.


Bridge to Learn Educational Resources {Product Review}

It's always a joy to find and a pleasure to share educational resources that parents can use at home to help their children with early learning. Just a short scroll through my blog and you'll find some of my previous educational product reviews...

Bridge to Learn is a fun and engaging learning program targeted at children from birth to 8 years comprising of a series of storybooks, toy kits and learning books. The main character 'Ollie the Octopus' seems to always be off on new adventures with his sea creature friends. Key concepts such as shapes, numbers, colours and beginning sounds are introduced to the learner and woven through the 'under the sea' theme. The resources are developed, made and printed in Australia and aligned with the Australian Curriculum and Early Learning Years Framework which gets a tick from me!


That Time Miss M and I Went to Melbourne

If you had 24 hours in Melbourne, with a three year old, how would you spend them? I asked my Aussie Parenting blogger friends and here were a few suggestions...(of course with Melbourne your plans are always weather dependent).

Miss M and I ventured off on a girls weekend to visit some friends in Melbourne. She's been once before (read about it here - oh my how things have changed), but was too young to remember. From chatting to friends, 3 seems to be the turning point when children become somewhat easier to travel with. So here's just a quick recap of how we spent our 24 hours!


Seven Puzzle Hacks for All Ages!

Ah puzzles. They've been around for ever and kids still love them - plus they're great for early learning. Shape, rotation, transformation, spatial awareness are the foundations for more advanced mathematical concepts learnt later on.

To be honest, Miss M doesn't play with puzzles all that often, so I'm always looking for new ideas for how to make a standard simple puzzle more interesting and turn it into a fun and inviting play activity. Some of my favourite Instagrammers/Bloggers have shared some of their ideas lately, so we wanted to try some ourselves.

Peekaboo Puzzle


What To Do With All Those Special Baby Clothes?

Are you a keeper of all your little one's baby clothes? Do you organise them into sizes? Store them in nappy boxes? Tuck them away in a cupboard for if you have another baby or to give to a friend or family member to make use of? Or do you regularly purge and make trips to the op shop?

But what if you aren't planning to have any more children? What about all those super special teeny tiny items of clothing that you feel you must keep? Would you love to do something special with them instead of leaving them packed away in that cupboard to be forgotten about??

I was so pleased to meet Nicoleta via the Mums with Hustle biz club FB group. She turns those special baby clothes into keepsake softies that are just as cute as pie :)

Here's what I sent her...


Activity Ideas for the Four Seasons {Wrap Up Post}

Over the past two years or so I've written a few 'seasons' posts, and for a while I've wanted to compile them all in the one place for your ultimate Four Seasons activity collection. Make sure you pin this one!


This was my very first guest post over at Childhood 101 and ever since I have written for Christie every month! We did ice play, kinetic sand, sunshine craft, and sponge water bombs. Water play is a MUST in summer time!

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere! {30 Art & Craft Ideas}

As I sit and write this, it is a glorious 25 degrees in Adelaide! Whoop whoop!

So to celebrate the start of Spring I've got an awesome collection of flower arts and crafts from some fantastic kid bloggers. I've organised them (roughly) into ages, but of course your little one will probably need a bit of assistance and guidance.

All images used with permission. Thank you contributors! 
I've got the love heart eyes for these collages!



There's lots of paint stamping, handprints, footprints and egg cartons in this collection. Miss M and I are keen to give the egg carton flowers a go! Will be sure to share when we do :)


The Liebster Award {but I'm changing it up a bit!}

It's been a while since my last Liebster Award (first one here and second one here) - so it was a lovely surprise when Amanda from Jelly Fish Sticks nominated me!!

The Liebster is just another way that bloggers can share the love (links = Google love) and introduce their readers to some new awesome blogs. Just like #followfriday on Instagram (which I also love and regularly participate in).

So here are my 10 random facts...

  1. I am obsessed with Greys Anatomy - when I knew (spoiler alert) they were going to kill off Dr McDreamy I actually boy cot the show (temporarily) and still can't bring myself to watch his last episode...
  2. I always have two coffees a day - the first a Nespresso at home, the second one when I'm out and about.
  3. I started my blog on the 1st of Jan 2014 - and I still think it was the BEST DAY to launch a blog. I've never missed a month without a blog post - and this year has been my busiest yet.
  4. I love being a teacher. And I love being a mum. I hope to continue being about to do both jobs to the best of my ability for years to come.
  5. I have 'time-xiety' (a word my husband invented) meaning I get anxious about being late! Even to the point where my nightmares usually involve me being late to school/work.
  6. I go to bed ridiculously early whenever I get the chance.
  7. I have a secret (not so secret) crush on Jim from The Office and Ted from HIMYM.
  8.  I'm a clumsy klutz. I regularly drop things and regularly trip over.
  9.  I've been a bridesmaid 3 times and a flower girl twice.
  10. I went on a Contiki tour to New Zealand during my single crazy days when I was 24 and had the time of my life! I even jumped out of a plane!
Yes that is me. No it is not a stock photo.
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