At the start of the teaching year, I stumbled upon a little gem of a website called Teachers Pay Teachers - a site where teacher's can buy, sell and share original teaching resources. It's like the teaching world's equivalent to eBay, Etsy and Gumtree. Not since Pinterest itself have I found such a useful website to get new ideas for my classroom and lesson plans. If you even did a Pinterest search "teacher pay teachers" who knows what great ideas you might find!
I feel that so far my blog has been predominately baby play and I haven't delved too much into the teaching side of things. So I thought this was a good place to start. I wanted to share a couple of great ideas and worksheets that I've found on TpT, and of course I'll be providing links back to the source so if you see anything you like - you can buy it! This post is not written with just teachers in mind, but also parents who may want to do a little extra work at home with their child.
Jolly Phonics Bingo - I'm looking forward to trying this next term.
(I'd love to dedicate a post to Jolly Phonics in the coming weeks. I believe it is such a wonderful
programme to teach young children the sounds that make up the English language)
programme to teach young children the sounds that make up the English language)
Sight Words (set of 30 high-frequency sight words)
Number of the Day / Calendar Maths (free digital download)
Teen numbers
This first set of worksheets 11-20 is quite simple (free digital download - click here)
The one below is more difficult (click here)
I just love how visually appealing and inviting the worksheets are! I must say that I do always like to add an element of 'hands on' leaning to my lessons but I believe a good balance of worksheets, book works, hand on experiences and play based learning provides a well rounded educated child. This of course also depends on your school's approach to learning whilst the Australian Curriculum underpins it all.
Here are some of my other favourite websites for teacher resources
There are some posts that are on the way in the coming weeks - Eric Carle, Jolly Phonics, Sensory Play, Montessori, and much more!
Thanks for visiting,
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