Liebster Award | Take 2

I'm feeling a little bit lucky and a little bit appreciated by other members of the bloggy world, and have been nominated for another Liebster award! (Here's the link to my previous one). The lovely Anna at Bombarded Mum nominated me - thanks Anna. So flattered because your blog is simply brilliant! I'm hoping that later this month you'll have to chance to get to know Anna a little better - she really has an amazing blog full of parenting advice.

So seeing as I've already done all of this before - I thought I'd just quickly answer the questions, but not follow all the nomination rules a such :)



What is your blog/business & where can we find you?

Teacher Types is where I share many 'Early Leaning' advice and activities I do with my toddler and school students.

What inspired you to blog in the first place?

I was returning to work part time, and felt that I needed something more, a productive hobby to pass the time while my little one slept - to avoid watching too many hours of TV.

What do you love about blogging?

I love how it combines all of my interests in the one place. And the virtual friendliness that you come across all the time is just lovely (like the whole theory of the Liebster award). Share the love!

How do you fit blogging into your day/week?

On work days I sometimes blog in the evening when Miss M has gone to bed, and on days off, I'll usually do a bit when she has her afternoon sleep.

Being a mum

I know you are a mum and my readers are also mums so let’s talk about being an awesome mum!

How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

I have one daughter. Little Miss M who is almost 2.

What is your proudest moment as a mum (you can add a few)?

Seeing how clever she is everyday! Her language and how much she remembers amazes me. She's always been a little clingy one - so when she does start to come out of her shell whether it be with family members or child care staff, I feel really proud that she's making progress.

What are your biggest challenges as a parent?

Dealing with toddler tantrums and behaviour issues at the moment :(

What is your favourite kid free time activity and how often do you get to do it?

Blogging! Well, apart from that, hubby and I love date night. Going out for an awesome dinner. We try once a month but this depends on babysitters.

Who is your inspiration to be such an awesome mum?

I found this questions really tricky to answer. I really look up to my mother-in-law, I think she's amazing. And I have this friend, who's little girl is only a bit younger than mine - she does amazing activities with her and always has great parenting advice. 

What is the best advice you have ever received as a mum?

I wish I could find the article I read! It was a whole article about how all of the parenting advice out there contradicts itself (e.g. breastfeeding is best / but fill their tummies with formula so they sleep, let them self settle / never let them cry etc). It made me realise that I really just needed to take it all with a grain of salt and do what felt right for our baby.

Wait a minute - I found it! (here) If you're a new mum READ IT! READ IT NOW!

What advice would you give to a first time mum?

Read the article above!
And also - it does get better. Every stage is easier in some ways, yet more challenging in others. You'll get over one hurdle, catch your breath and then another one will pop up!

Bonus question - Combining being a mum and a blogger

If a mum is reading this and has a burning desire to start a blog, what advice would you give her?

Great question Anna! I would suggest that she do it! Research first - read some 'how to start a blog' posts or look for some helpful links on Pinterest. I just sort of found my way and taught myself, but would maybe do it differently if I could start again (the old blogger vs wordpress debate). A very dear friend (the one I mentioned above actually) gave me some great advice when I started my blog - she suggested to keep it to the one main focus area. She said that if she's after recipe's she'll go to a blog that specialises in just that, after parenting advice - go to a blogger who's an expert in that area, after early learning activity ideas - come to teacher types ;)

Thanks again Anna for nominating me.

It's all busy in my world at the moment, back to school, Miss M is almost two so we are preparing for her birthday party. But the blog is still going strong in 2015!

Lauren x

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