December Round Up {Childhood 101 Guest Posts}

I have been so lucky and fortunate to have had the opportunity to write all year for such a brilliant Kids/Parenting Website - Childhood 101,  and I'm pleased to say that this collaboration is continuing in 2016! I thought it would nice for an end of year post to wrap up the 12 posts I've written over there... There's been quite a variety of posts, literacy, books, maths, sensory, things for toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children... I asked Christie (editor of C101) how my stats were, and my most viewed post was Busy Bags for Toddlers.

So here they all are (in order of most recent)

You can also find all the articles I've written elsewhere around the net at my "I've been featured" page.

I interviewed Christie from Childhood 101 in June this year - read it here
Thanks again for having my on the C101 team Christie! If you don't already follow Childhood 101 - you really should! FacebookInstagram
Lauren x


  1. Ooh, these look great! I'm starting with the bear hunt post! Thanks. #teamIBOT

    1. Thank you Emily! That was one of my favourites :)

  2. What a busy year you've had! Lots of great posts there.

    1. Thanks Jess! Looking forward to another great year of blogging in 2016 (and linking up with IBOT) xx

  3. You have so many great ideas! Thank you :)

    1. You're welcome Christie - thanks for having me on the team xx

  4. I havent any word to appreciate this post.....Really i am impressed from this post....the person who create this post it was a great human..thanks for shared this with us. How to Look for Opportunities for a Guest Post


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