You Have to See it to Believe it! {Crayola Color Alive Review}

This post is brought to you by Nuffnang and Crayola. 

Today I get to review a super cool new product from Crayola. Miss M is so into colouring and drawing at the moment that I jumped at the chance to give Crayola Color Alive a try for ourselves. It's not just your average colouring book + crayons believe me!!

This is what we got...

These were our faves...

And this is what happens...

So it all starts with colouring in one of your favourite characters. Get your iPad, download the app, scan the picture, and watch the magic of the 4D experience! We were mesmerised and couldn't quite believe seeing Miss M's artwork coming to life on the iPad screen. You can even interact with them and add special effects with the 'magic crayons'.

Aside from Frozen {every 3 year old girls obsession}, they have Marvel Avengers, Mythical Creatures, Enchanted Fairies and more. You get 7 crayons in a pack, plus the super special effects crayon which enhances the pictures in each of the colouring books.

Miss M is having fun here in selfie mode making friends with her fairy creation {never mind the serious face}.

Pictured below was her favourite part of the experience - using our saved characters, Olaf went into the fridge, the fairy visited the garden, and Princess Anna was having a sleep over...

I love how Crayola has come up with a way to combine the old school colouring in with today's technology. I can imagine older kids absolutely going to town with these books + app. Miss M {3 years} wouldn't have been able to navigate and use the app herself - but school age children who are able to read instructions certainly could. They are so tech savvy these days!

Now you don't need an iPad, it's also available for iPhone & Android devices. The App is FREE and the colouring books RRP for $7.99. You can buy them from your usual big retail stores that stock other Crayola products.

Finally, if you'd like to learn more about Crayola and their products - click here and if you find this all too hard to believe, check out this video. It shows you exactly how it works!


Special thanks to Nuffnang + Crayola for giving us this chance to share your awesome new product with our tribe!


  1. These look awesome!! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out and if Miss L isn't keen then more fun for me!!

  2. We played around with ours today and created some fairies and Olaf bub loved it.

    1. Will keep an eye out for your review too Toni!

  3. Oh wow, how awesome! I had no idea you could do this. I think my hubby would have fun with the Avengers one!! Are there any other characters? My son would go nuts for a cars one!

    1. I just had a look for you Alison - no cars, but there were Minions and Skylanders?

  4. Thanks Lauren! Minions will be a hit :)

  5. Oh WOW, that is super cool. I actually want one for myself!

  6. that is pretty amazing!!! Anna @kids play space

  7. my goodness, talk about taking colouring to the next level!

  8. Blog wonder what a wonderful article i became a fan, i want more texts like this one i like it here


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