Play is Play {+ A History Lesson}

Something a little different, but something close to my heart.

On the weekend we attended the 50th birthday of the Kathleen Mellor Kindergarten in Tea Tree Gully (Kathleen was my great great aunt, and my maiden name is Mellor, so that's where the significance lies). You can read more about my visit to the kindy back in 2014 here. When I re-read that post, and at the time the director Anne was talking to me about the 50th birthday celebration planned for 2016, it sounded so far away, and I can't believe it's been and gone!

Anyway, my Aunty Sue had unearthed some treasures and memorabilia from Kathleen's life that we were eager to share at the celebration. The one thing that really stood out to me was the photos of PLAY. And how the children 50 years ago were playing, not far different to today. Play is play. Play will always be PLAY.



Imaginary Play

Story Time

Block Play

Home Corner

Finger Painting

This is the kind of play that is still happening in kindergartens today, and is what makes kindergartens so special and unique. 

I did a little speech at the celebration. Kathleen was awarded the MBE for her years of service to the community, which I thought was worth mentioning. She was also a published children's author. We found draft upon draft versions of her books which are now priceless.

Me doing my speech (thanks Dad)

One of the previous directors of the kindy from 1991 assisted in the opening of the time capsule that was made at the 25th birthday celebration. Again, the crafts, pictures and paintings that the children had made were so similar to what they make and do in kindys today.

It's was a privilege to be involved, and Miss M had a wonderful day! Thank you to the staff and committee for inviting us to be a part of Kathleen Mellor Kindy's history.

Lauren xx


  1. Opening the time capsule would have been intriguing. I've never been involved with one but all my three girls have at their previous school.

    1. It really was! Such a great idea!! They're going to fill it again to be opened at the next milestone celebration :)

  2. Oh these photos are brilliant!! What a gorgeous celebration to be a part of. We did a time capsule for millennium with our family except for some crazy reason my Aunty dug it up and opened it up with only half the family there?!! Crazy!! 50 years is where it's at - this is a treasure to cherish!! #teamIBOT

    1. Thanks for visiting Jo. It really was a special day xx

  3. It was such a nice day and your speech was great! Miss L is so keen to attend, I'm wishing they'd take her early!!

    1. Was so great you were there Beth even though we didn't get to chat much lol! And thanks - I think my speech may have been a bit short, but oh well!

  4. I love those old photos Lauren! I also think its so cool that kids still play the same as in the past, especially when everything else seems to be so different these days.


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