Art Work made from Toddler Paintings

Just a quick one today - so as not to miss a 'Blog every day in May'. I wanted to share a little something I've been working on this week (if you don't follow me on Instagram you might have missed it).

I call this "Mummy Art", created from Miss M's toddler paintings.

I cut up her toddler paintings into little squares, arranged them in this rainbow order (taking photos as I went) and then stuck them all down. I had an evening away from my lap top which was quite nice to do something crafty.

I was inspired by a post I saw pop up on Facebook recently (from The Quirky Parent) who's friend did something similar. My friend Sarah over at Sarah Tamblyn Designs creates her prints for kids using the same technique. And this collage from Playful Learning was created with circles instead of squares.

I absolutely love it and I'm quietly so proud of myself! What do you think?
Lauren :)


  1. That came out beautifully! I really like how you've graded the colours.

    Claire (The Quirky Parent!)

    1. Thank you Claire! So glad you found me. Thank you (and your friend) for the inspiration! x

  2. omg im doing one of these right now as a present to myself!! but im cutting circles... im mid cutting as i type 😜 I just love them!!

    1. ps i love how you've arranged your colours like a rainbow!!

  3. I love a colourful wall print and the sentimental value makes it priceless art!

    1. Thanks Beth. Definitely a sentimental keeper :)

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