All About Being One

When I was one I had just begun.
- A. A. Milne

This Little Man has been one for a month now, and he's changed so much in that short amount of time - particularly with walking and how much he is understanding what we say. Today's post is a parenting one, all about being ONE! For other parenting stories - just look for the tab along the top, or in the drop down menu.

Please keep in mind these are just my experiences, all babies are different and develop at their own pace. 

When you're one, you are graduating from Babydom, to Toddlerhood. You may be about to take your first steps. You have so much to learn about how to get from A to B. But when you work it out, your parents better watch out!

When you're one, you discover the joys of opening and closing the kitchen cupboard doors, until one day they don't open how they used to because your parents have had to install child locks.

When you're one you may have a few words - mum, dad, nan, but pointing will likely be your main form of communication. Pointing and grunting. When someone actually understands what you are trying to tell them, you are relieved and show them they got it right with a smile.

When you're one you get pretty frustrated when no one understands you and they don't know that you're hungry/tired/uncomfortable etc so you just have to scream and screech and hope they get the message.

When you're one you clap your hands and wait for the excited reaction from your audience.

When you're one, you might have to start going to childcare if your mum is going back to work (or maybe you've already started). You'll likely be devastated by this fact and you cannot possibly comprehend that your mum is leaving you in this strange place with these strange adults and other babies. But you'll get used to it in no time and it will become part of your routine.

When you're one you may be (finally) sleeping through the night! Please continue doing this - for as long as you live in your parent's house.

When you're one your big sister's bedroom is the most interesting room in the house. Especially when the door is shut because she's playing with her teeny tiny shopkins and you aren't allowed to go in. This will make you all the more determined.

When you're one you'll discovery the exhilarating feeling of doing something you're not supposed to do.

When you're one you probably got a lot of new toys for your first birthday...but the kitchen utensil drawer is far more interesting!

When you're one you're probably pretty good at eating, but you will make a huge mess 5 times a day, but your pet labrador will love cleaning up after you.

When you're one you will ideally have around 14 hours sleep out of 24 (give or take). So it will feel like one day is actually more like 3 days. 3 little mini days that involve milk, eating, playing, trashing the house and crying.

When you're one - you are an absolute joy and a challenge all rolled into one.

When you're one, the people who live in your house are your whole world. And they love you very much.

Stunning photos by Jessica West Photography (she's a teacher type too, and one of my besties!). If you're looking for photographer for families, pregnancy, newborn or weddings she does an amazing job! Based in the Barossa but she can travel to other locations. Thanks so much Jess! xx

Linking with another beautiful photography - Kylie for IBOT.


  1. A beautiful memory to look back on in the future!

  2. Aww Mr 1 is gorgeous! What beautiful photos of you and your family! How quickly time flies - our Mr 6 months old will be there sooner than we'd expect (or like...). They grow up so so fast. I hope you're enjoying this new stage of his life, and keep documenting his journey into toddlerhood :)
    (Thank you for linking up too!)

  3. It's amazing really how in 1 year they can go from tiny baby to this! They have learnt and can understand so much already! The development stages are so incredible!

  4. Aww isn't it scary how when they hit one they suddenly seem to go from a baby to a toddler overnight? I can't believe I get to do the baby and then toddler stage all over again soon. #teamIBOT

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