My ULTIMATE Gender Neutral Gift Guide for 1 - 5 Year Olds!

Friends in my online mothers group are always asking for gift ideas for their little ones, so I thought I'd put together a collection of gift ideas for one to five years olds - suitable for both boys and girls. I'm a firm believer that boys can play with dolls and girls can play with train sets... The days of 'toys for girls' and 'toys for boys' should be behind us as we encourage our little ones to just enjoy their PLAY! So I've kept that in mind with my recommendations in this post. {not sponsored}

Keep scrolling to the end for some gift ideas suitable for almost ANY age.

One Year Olds

  • Musical Instruments e.g. bells and rattles that can be shaken. Xylophones are great for this age too {pictured above is the Melody Mix available from Finlee and Me}
  • Dolls/teddies - my little girl still adores special dolls and teddies she was given at this age.
  • Bouncy balls to encourage throwing and catching both indoors and outdoors.

Two Year Olds

  • Toys to encourage imaginative and dramatic play eg, play kitchen + accessories such as wooden food, tea set, etc.
  • Building blocks - so much fun to knock over a tower of blocks when you're two! Invest in a quality wooden set that will last {pictured are Rainbow Blocks from Finlee and Me}
  • "Little People" range from Fisher Price - ideal for two year olds. There's so many in the range to choose from.

Three Year Olds

  • Kinetic Sand - the most magical sensory experience ever! Perfect for three year olds as they play, mould and sculpt.
  • Duplo. In recent months Miss M just got the hang of connecting duplo bricks together, and there are so many in the Duplo range to choose from these days.
  • Play dough will keep most three year olds busy for ages. Grab a couple of tubs with some cookie cutters or a play dough activity set and they'll be sorted.

Four Year Olds

  • Train set - little kiddies have hours of fun with these. Get extra accessories like trees, signs, cars etc to create entire cities!
  • Art supplies / Activity Sticker books - you can always have more of these and they're a great cheap option.
  • Bike! This is actually Miss M's 3rd birthday present, but idea for 4 year olds as well.

Five Year Olds

  • Special stationery (you can't go past Smiggle)
  • Back pack, lunch box, drink bottle for school (now that they're BIG kids!)
  • Find out the latest movie or the child's favourite TV show of the moment - and see if the stores have toys and merchandise. Currently The Good Dinosaur I believe :)

Any Age

  • Clothes (don't forget to consider size and season)
  • Books books and more books! You can never have too many books! Go for board books for under 2s and regular page turners for over 2s. Here are my 10 Favourite Alphabet Books and my 10 Favourite Number Books if you're looking for something educational. 
  • Puzzles - do think about the age of the child and level of difficulty of the puzzle when making your selection.

I hope you found some useful ideas in this list!

Lauren :)


  1. We love blocks for our boys- they have been used on an almost daily basis for 6 years! Never tried kinetic sand, might have to try that one out.

  2. Thanks for the toys for 1-year-old tips!!! xx


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